Packing for Events

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Some Event Packing Lists

These lists were first created by Morgana Isolde of Ander Hall for a Chatelaine / Newcomers class in Darach (2002). They are meant to help you brainstorm and think of things you might want to pack. You might not want or need everything in any list or category, so feel free to adjust the list for your own needs.

Tourney Packing List


field costume, revel costume, jewelry, shoes and socks, cloak, veil/headgear, sun hat, swimwear/towel, belt, pouch, clothing for after the tourney


chest, chair/stool, table, cover cloths, ground cloths, cushions, plastic bags (trash, ziplocks), sunshade, hammer, ductape (in a ziplock so it doesn’t stick to other items)


banners, pennants, recorded music, sheet music or songbook, games, incense, instruments/drums, cushions, project, parasol, T.P., paper towels, moist towelettes

feast gear

table cloth, candle holders, napkin, mug/goblet, plate, bowl, fork, knife, spoon, plastic bag for dirty dishes, paper towels to wipe up

first aid

allergy medicine, antacid, bandaids, cough drops/throat lozenges, eye drops, insect repellant, pain killer, sunscreen


lip balm, sunscreen, hairpins, safety pins, straight pins, cloak pin, leather thongs, antacid, tissues, comb, nail file, nail clippers, lotion, mirror, note pad, pen/pencil, moist towelettes, mints, cough drops/throat lozenges, chatelaine (needles, thimble, etc.), nippers (small scissors), napkin, knife, spoon, mug


cooler, water, juice, iced tea/soda, fruit, fresh vegetables, trailmix, nuts, dried fruit, jerky, sausage, bread, cheese, pasties, quiche

map and directions

Crown Prints, Online printouts, GPS (if any)

remaining essentials

wallet, money, ID, SCA card, keys, watch, sunglasses, address/date book