House of Stites

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House of Stites at Potrero 2022.jpeg
House of Stites (Meggan of the Angels and Robert the Best) at Potrero War A.S. LVII (2022) in Camp Altavia/Camp Angels.
Founded: A.S. LVII (2022)
Status: Active
House of Stites.png
(Fieldless) A cloud vert, overall in fess two arrows argent, barbed sable and fletched gules.

The House of Stites is an Angel's-based household consisting of Lord Robert the Best and Lady Meggan of the Angels. Their duo Viking-style wedge tent camp is easily recognizable at war with their pennon flags and 10 foot hammock.

The House of Stites enjoys deep time-period play and strives to live as period as possible at events and War. It is not uncommon to not see the House for a period of time, only to then return for nightly drum circles and bardics.

The House of Stites camps with Angels/Altavia at wars. The House enjoys meeting fellow SCAdians and exploring new skills.

House Purpose

The House of Stites trains on a regular basis in combat and target archery to defend the Kingdom of Caid. They practice in Altavia mostly. The House focuses on encouraging archery in the Barony of the Angels.

This House considers themselves, "the Growers of Caid.”


The House is named in honor of the family line, Stites. The name traces back to England and Scotland during the 1100s-1600s and comes from the Viking name, “Stoti,” which arrived during the 9th century with the Norse colonization of Scotland.

The members of the House of Stites first met at the place of the death of a Stites ancestor mundanely.

