Quipped Cormac O’Dunne

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Cormac O’Dunne
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII

I’m Done! Quipped Cormac O’Dunne
He’d gone down to the field for some fun
He’d fought a Knight in the day
And good Sir Rhys felled him some way,

Oh, I’m Done! Quipped Cormac O’Dunne.
He’d gone to fight for some one
For Sabina of Aydon, Ye’re Cormac is fadin’
He went down on the field, puir O’Dunne

I’m O’Dunne! Quipped Cormac O’Dunne
He’d gone down to the field for some fun
One Good Knight Couldn’t keep him down
He came back for one more round!

Oh I’m Done! Quipped Cormac O’Dunne
Now he’s down on the field of fun
By the Grace of the Day
Our Cormac Was Slain!

Now he’s Done, that’s Cormac O’Dunne!

— Lady Elizabeth Margaret Cleves
... Darachian hiding out in Calafia for a bit. Shhhhhhhh!


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