Help:Populace pages

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NOTE 10/27/2023: New Populace Page Information Fields

I have added two fields to the Populace page template.

  1. The subject's "preferred title". In this field, note the title the subject prefers to be referred to by. This might be an alternate title based on the persona's culture and time period, for example.
  2. The subject's "preferred pronouns". In this field, note the personal pronouns the subject prefers to be referred to as. For example, "she, her, hers", "he, him, his", "they, them, their", etc.

Unfortunately, since we did not think of this when the Compendium Caidis was invented, these fields are not present in all of the Populace pages created to this date (and there are literally thousands of them!)

Even worse, these page do show some ugly code where the template is looking for more information. This will appear like:

Preferred title: {{{title}}}
Preferred pronouns: {{{pronouns}}}

And, compounding that, there are no instructions inside of each populace page on how to fix this. And so here they are: Inside the "{{Populace |..." tag at the top, two fields need to be added: "title = choice and pronouns = choice". (use the "|" pipe character to separate tags) It does not matter where in the sequence of tags these new tags are placed, however, I usually put them between "photocaption" and "location".

These new tags have been incorporated into the template blocks found on Template talk: Populace, so moving forward, new Populace pages should include them.