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The Orkney Warband

Intro about Household.


Founded in 1991 the Orkney Warband is a fighting unit within the Society for Creative Anachronism, an organization dedicated to Medieval Recreation. Since its inception the warriors of this unit have strived to become the best War Fighters in the SCA, as individuals and as a group. Team work has been essential to our success and our reputation has spread around the world.

Within the Society for Creative Anachronism many groups strive to be the best at many things; cooking, camping, costuming, dancing, etc... The Orkneys have chosen War Fighting to be the discipline in which we excel.The Orkneys chose to base our warfare concept after the greatest Infantry units of the ancient world: the Romans. Using their trade mark Large Shield (Scuttum), Short Swords, and Spears, the Orkneys now set to the task of perfecting once again the Art of War.

The founding members of the Orkneys split away from Corvus, another War Band in the Kingdom of Caid, to concentrate solely on the art of war. The original members, George, Brand, Dirk, and Jed (Achilles) were nicknamed the Orkney Lot by Count Balin of Tor, who was the commander of the armies of Caid. Their ferocity and valor reminded him of the four brother knights of King Arthur, Aggravain, Gawain, Gareth, and Mordred, who hailed from the Orkney Isles. Thus the Orkney name came into being and followed the new unit to war.

Many changes have come to The Orkneys in the last decade. The newest additions to the Unit are taking numbers in the thirties. New recruits provide them with the potential for even more members. Older members have become active again; bring with them both the experience of years of fighting and camaraderie, but also a burning within for greatness which is held up as the standard for the newer members. The potential has been tapped. The vision has been shared. The goal is in sight. The sweat continues to pour and the blood is pounding in their ears. Let all who see this be warned. A new force is on the move. You won't be assimilated. We don't want your fealty or your love. We want your corpse.


Include member names, and possibly how to join if you are interested

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