Gold Feather Cadre

From Compendum Caidis
Revision as of 18:39, 12 June 2009 by Arabella (talk | contribs)
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From left to right is Albyn Buckthorne, Andrés Miguel Rodriguez de la Rosa, Donn the Bald, Arabella da Siena.
Founded: mid 90's
Status: Inactive

The Cadre of the Gold Feather was created to provide a structured learning and support group in rapier, that was different from taking students or Cadets. The concept of a Cadre was loosly based on historical references, where a Cadre consisted of a Sword Master's top students that taught others in his school. The Cadre was also focused on bringing an element of fun to rapier in Caid, through challenges and theatrics on the field. The most notible challenge took place at Estrella against House Portos, which ended up with all fighters joining in.


