Jethro de Calce des Excurtynyx

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Jethro [top] / Jethro fighting at the Pas vs Gareth Somerset [bottom]

Preferred title: Not specified
Their Pronouns: Not specified
Resides: Gyldenholt
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Caid Order of Precedence
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Lord Jethro de Calce des Excurtynyx is a 15th century Swiss Mercenary. He is Squired to Sir Mons von Goarshausen.


Born in 1457, Jethro de Calce des Excurtynyx was born in the rural municipality of Linthal located in the Canton of Glarus, which is part of the Swiss Confederation. Growing up in the scenic and rugged Linth Valley, Jethro spent much of his youth working in the mountain pastures that dominate that area.

At the age of 18 Jethro became a Reisläufer in the mercenary band Todeskorps, where he quickly proved himself in combat. He was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann after the Battle of Nancy for the courage he showed while fighting in the Gewalthut.

Jethro is still an active member of Todeskorps, and is willing to fight fiercely for whoever may hire them.

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