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(New page: Don Eogan ua Confraich<br> fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII == A Measure for a Man == Along came good Don Eogan,<br> To try him for the Crown,<br> ‘Neath alder, oak, and row...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 05:36, 29 November 2008

Don Eogan ua Confraich
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLII

A Measure for a Man

Along came good Don Eogan,
To try him for the Crown,
‘Neath alder, oak, and rowan,
The Hound he pranced him round;

Sought him then the gloried path,
Where CAID’s Kings are made,
Skill with rapier Eogan hath,
But Kings wield stouter blades.

First came Jamal’s squire,
Good Thorin, Courtney’s man,
With silvered axe from Eire,
Don’s blood wert his demand.

Eogan stood him up anon,
And faced Padraic’s drake,
Flash of steel, falls the Don,
~~ Now Caelfind ‘gins the wake.

Shed she tears for her man there?
“I’m proud of all he done ~~
None with him could e’er compare ~~
A real man loves his sons.”

Secca of Venice
... is a 6th c. Ostrogoth in the service of Theoderic the Great (and occasionally a 15th c. Venetian condottiere)


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